Saturday, 14 July 2012

Iron Man Mark VI

With the current craze of the Avengers these guys have been hard to obtain as I have just started collecting them. With so much attention to detail and epicness these figures bring how can I not collect Hot Toy figures.

Hoping to obtain all the Hot Toys Iron Man soon as of now I only have the Mark IV and VI. It's tough but in the long run it will all be worth with it when I display all in a row just like the movie.


I am new to this and i hope by opening this blog i will be able to share likes and interest to the collectors community. 
I will be updating this blog with my collection, reviews and comparrisons, monthly loots and all sorts of updates that interests me.

Here are some of the things that i currently have in my collection

Portraits of Pirates One Piece
Figuarts Zero One Piece
Banpresto Grandline One Piece
G.E.M Gintama
G.E.M Kenshin
Sideshow Star Wars
Hot Toys
Play Arts - Metal Gear
Play Arts - Kingdom Hearts
Play Arts - Final Fantasy
Transformers Classics
Robot Spirits – Full Metal Panic
Robot Spirits - Code Geass

Here is a sneek peak of my collection.
This is only 1/5 of my collection and many more to come.